

A video is much more than just a series of images. It appeals to our emotions and translates simple and elaborate messages into a universal language. It makes it possible to communicate rapidly and simultaneously with a large number of people, while always seeking to capture the attention of each of them. Be it simple or sophisticated, it has to captivate the viewer and remain in his or her memory. A video is like an intangible footprint.

The digital revolution has increased opportunities to watch videos: on platforms and social media, on smartphones, tablets or computers, and of course on TV.

Candela Media was born from our conviction that the power of images can genuinely engage people, provided that we create content that is impactful, sensitive and meaningful. In response to the almost continuous stream of videos available today, Candela Media offers a new perspective on audiovisual content production.

Candela Media produces videos for both Web and traditional media based on emotion and carefully planned content development. Our proposals are always in perfect harmony with the identity of the institutions we serve, but they also offer new perspectives on the messages and communication of our clients. Our aim is to sharpen the gaze of their audiences and spur their curiosity.